YouthCenter Screen Captures

Click on the thumbnails below to see what the YouthCenter juvenile case management software looks like and learn a bit about some the features available.

Modern Juvenile Case Management Software

Mobile Juvenile Case Management

Juvenile Detention Facility Management


HIPAA & CJIS Security Features

What our clients are saying

  • "The way its set up makes my job easier and organized." - Youth Specialist
  • "If something happens in my detention center, I get detailed alerts as to what happened, how my staff responded, and how the child responded to the staff. That gives me a picture of what is going on within the detention facility without me having to be there." - Juvenile Services Director
  • "One of the coolest things about Youth Center is that it is so flexible. Once we know what we want, the people at YouthCenter have been awesome as far as providing the modifications and changes." - Assistant Juvenile Services Director
  • "Historically, we relied on very manual, paper-driven methods to track information. Keeping records up to date was always a problem. We didn’t have an organized system to track and manage all of those pieces of paper. But YouthCenter allows you to, in real time, document information as well as alert and share information with key people involved in that case." - Family Division Administrator