Currently YouthCenter has two identification fields, Client Number (2015-123456) and Petition Number (7015-123456-DL). We’re kicking around the idea of adding one for each Detention Admission (Booking) and possibly one for each Incident. We want to do it right so we’re asking you. Here are a few questions we have:
- Are there any state/federal guidlines associated with the naming/numbering of these items?
- Naming: Admission, Booking, Intake, etc?
- Numbering: 000123 (six digits zero filled), B12345 (where B is for “Booking”), V12345 (where V is the first letter of the client’s last name), 2015-123456-B3 (where the first section is the client number and the “B3” means booking number 3), etc
- Do you have examples of how other systems have named these items? Even if there isn’t a state/federal guideline, maybe there is a precedence set here.
- Do you need to be able to modify these numbers, or can they be generated by YouthCenter and just used for reference there after?
- Are there any other areas of the system that would benefit from having an exposed identification number for you to reference?
- Progress Reports
- Record of Disciplines
- Case Notes
- Programs/Placements
- etc
What else do you want to discuss regarding this subject? Are we doing anything right/wrong with the existing identification numbers?