YouthCenter January 2025 Release Notes

The first update to YouthCenter in 2025 is focused on increased security and continues to enhance the Form Builder 2.0 release in December with Workflows. This release is expected to go live on 1/26/2025 at 11 PM EST. (Click here to see the time in your timezone).

Updated Login

To enhance security in YouthCenter, we are implementing a new login system. Your existing usernames and passwords will remain the same; however, you will notice a different login page.

Clicking the Sign In button will allow the user to enter their login credentials and later this quarter, jurisdictions will have the opportunity to utilize their Microsoft AD accounts to access YouthCenter and be presented with an AD Login button.

The migration to this new login system is another step toward additional security for YouthCenter instances, including Multi-Factor Authentication and Federated Login for jurisdictions that wish to use their county login to access YouthCenter. Stay tuned for updates to the login system as these new features become available.

Print Widget

The dashboard widgets are a great way to see the information that is important to you; however, sometimes, it’s nice to have a hard copy. We’ve added a print icon to widgets that have print capabilities. Click it to get a print preview.

Clicking the print button will bring up the print dialog box with a print preview.

Form Builder Workflows

In November, we released Form Builder 2.0. This month, we’re building on that release with workflows, allowing the initiation of a form to be sent to others for completion.

Use cases for this type of workflow can include initiating a form by a Caseworker, filling out initial information to be shared with parents/guardians (information like Terms of Probation), then sending the form on to parents/guardians for additional information and signatures, and then sent to a supervisor for approval.

Look for a webinar on Form Builder 2.0 and Workflows in Q1.

YouthCenter SafeGuard

Over the past year, the team has worked hard to build the next generation of YouthCenter features. Behind the scenes, we’ve been adding new tools and we’re getting close to releasing this major add-on to YouthCenter for residential and detention centers – SafeGuard. This hardware and software add-on will help improve safety, security, and compliance in your detention or residential facility with comprehensive tracking, monitoring, and reporting.

Other SafeGuard features include:

  • Resident Movement Tracking
  • Location Based Rounds and Room Checks
  • Well-Being Checks
  • Duty Task Reminders
  • Real-Time Behavior Management Point Updates
  • Record Medication Distributions
  • Track Meals and Snacks Given to Residents
  • And more!

Providing Feedback

As always, YouthCenter continues to be a solution built for and directed by your needs as caseworkers, JPOs, administrators, and more. Your feedback is very valuable. If you have any thoughts or ideas on how we can improve the software, please get in touch with us via our suggestion form. New ideas are reviewed on a bi-weekly basis.