In our April 2024 YouthCenter release, we've included an update to the Other Programs application that allows for tracking, modifying, and displaying daily points accumulated for each youth. This update also includes the ability to automatically set privilege levels based on points earned.
Webinar Details:
- Date: Wednesday, May 15
- Time: 2:00 PM EST
- Duration: ~1 hour
What we'll cover in the webinar:
- Adding a program with points to YouthCenter
- How to display daily & total points on a youth's profile
- Setting up pre-defined point transactions (adding and subtracting based on behavior)
- Setting up automatic daily point adjustments
- Setting up auto privilege level increases based on points accumulated
- Setting up administrator approval for point transactions entered by staff
- Reviewing transactions in the todo list
- Adding a transaction widget to the dashboard to quickly adjust points.
- Adjusting points for a youth from the program
Don't miss this webinar if you're looking to enhance your points system using YouthCenter.
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