CourtStream 5.3.4

The following is a full list of changes for CourtStream version 5.3.4 scheduled for release on 11/10/2009. If you have any feedback regarding this release please email us at [email protected] or just make a comment at the bottom of this forum post. Any and all feedback, suggestions, bug/error reports are welcome.

Case Manager and Detention

Court Order Tab

  • New: Users may now track other court documents associated with a client. These can also be associated with Court Orders and/or Affidavits.
  • New: Users may now create Court Document Affidavits. This process allows you to choose current Court Orders/Documents and a client’s contacts and create 1 or more affidavits concerning them. This new feature will also allow you to print mailing labels/envelopes for all of the contacts mentioned in the affidavit.


  • Updated: Alert priority colors have been modified. Previously, when an alert was sent the colors were: green, yellow, red. We’ve changed to more of an all-red scale so: yellow, orange, red. This change affects the Daily Log, Activity Log, and Messages.

Activity Log/Daily Log/New Messages Widget

  • Redesigned: These items have been redesigned to create a more cohesive look between applications as well as display the information in a simple, easy to read format.

Audit Log

  • Fixed: Fields are now being sorted properly according to their placement on the screen.

New Messages Widget

  • Fixed: Some Drug test messages were causing the Messages homepage widget to become jumbled. This has been fixed.

Case Manager

General Profile Tab

  • Updated: Finger Print Taken? has been moved from the General Profile tab to the Offenses tab.

Offenses Tab

  • Updated: Streamlined the way Petitions and Offenses are displayed and managed. Offenses now can be added and edited on the same screen that you edit the Petition fields on. This should decrease the time it takes to enter Offenses. Also re-designed the display Petition screen to be more readable. 
  • New: Added 5 new fields to the Petition Form.
    • Case Type – The Case Type of Petition
    • Authorized? – Whether or not the Petition was Authorized
    • Authorized On (date) – The date that the Petition was Authorized
    • Fingerprints Required? – Whether or not Fingerprints were Required
    • Fingerprinted On (date) – The date that the Fingerprints were recorded
  • Updated: Created an alert area at the top of the Offenses Tab that displays summary information of how many Petitions need to be Dispositioned, Authorized, and / or Finger Printed as well as how many Offenses need to be Adjudicated

Activity Log

  • Updated: Redesigned to be more easily readable

Casework Team History

  • New: A new data source, “Team Member Timeline”, has been created. This data source will return a list of all clients a caseworker has ever had. It will include the “Start Date” and “End Date” of that Team Member’s involvement in the case.

Register of Actions

  • New: CourtStream now generates the Register of Actions mandated by the state of Michigan. Many events are automated based on things CourtStream already tracks like Petitions, Court Orders, etc. Events can also be added manually.


Data Source

  • New: A new data source has been created, “Case: Detention (by Date)”. This will allow users to get a count of the number of clients that were in detention per day.


Daily Log

  • Updated: The Daily Log was moved to the Facility Application a couple versions back. Until now you could still get to it from Detention. From now on that link has been removed and you have to go to the Facility Application to get to the Daily Log.

Security Administration

Group/User Matrix Report

  • Updated: More has been added to the BizStream Security Matrix. In addition to displaying which groups have which permissions, you can now see which users are in which groups and vice-versa.


Comma Separated Values (CSV)

  • Updated: Improved date formatting.
  • Updated: Text with line breaks and quotes now display properly.