YouthCenter October 2018 Beta Release

The October release to your beta sites is a continuation of the last Facility Placement release. Facility Placement Requests (formerly Request for Detention) are redesigned, as well as Other Placements (formerly Programs and Placements). Read on to learn about the new features available to test today in your beta site!

Facility Placement Requests

Facility Placement Requests are used to track the process of intaking a client through an external agency. The requester’s information is collected along with basic details of the request, such as the charges the client was detained on and the person(s) that approved the request. Requests from “Out of County” agencies allow for additional information to be collected.
Placement Requests for an existing client can be created through the Facility Placements menu item. Placement Requests for a new client can be initiated through the “Create New Client/Placement Request” flow in the “Search” menu item.

There are a few ways to start a new Request:

1) Case Manager > Search

Selecting Case Manager from the main menu will open up and offer the Search menu item, you'll see the New Placement Request next to Add a New Client once you've selected Search.
Facility Placement in Search

2) From the Client Summary screen

Search for an existing client in YouthCenter and select the client. From the Client Summary screen, you will see the placements banner with the option for New Placement Request. 
New placement request from Client Summary Screen

3) Client > Detention > Facility Placements 

Not only will you have the ability to start a new facility placement request, you can see the history of the client's placements from the Facility Placement screen.
Facility Placement Screen with New Placement Request

4) From the Daily Log

Navigate to Facility > Daily Log and under the new event quick action pull down, you will see the Placement Request quick action.
Daily log with facility placement quick action dropdown

Entering a Facility Placement Request

Once you've selected Facility Placement Request, the form below will appear and allow you to enter information in on the request.
Facility Placement Request Screen

Facility Placement Request Administration

As with all administration of screens, you will still need to navigate to the old interface.


Charges listed are administered in the old interface under Case Manager > PACC


Outcomes listed in the drop down are administered in the old interface under Facility > Administration > Outcomes


Tags specific to placement requests can be administerd in the old interface under Case Manager > Administration > Tag

Tag Administration with Facility Placement Request option


Recent Placement Requests Widget

We've added a widget to display the recent placement requests. To add it to a dashboard click the gears icon Gears Iconin the upper right of your dashboard. Then select the Placement Requests widget from the listing.
Dashboard Widget Selection Screen

The Placement Requests widget options will appear.  You can change the widget title, rows and other options as shown.

Placement Requests Widget Options

Select Apply from the widget options screen and Save Changes from your dashboard editor. The configured Recent Placement Requests widget will be shown on your menu.

Recent Placement Requests Widget

Other Placements

Other Placements are designed to record Program and Physical Placements other than Detention Facility Placements. To access Other Programs, search for and select a client, then navigate to Other Placements from the menu.

The Other Placements screen will offer a listing of the clients past and current placements.

Other Placements Screen

Adding a client to a Program or Physical Placement

To place a client into a placement, select either Physical or Program Placement from the quick action buttons at the top of the screen. Note: a client may only be in 1 Physical placement at a time, however they may be in multiple programs at the same time.

Place Client Quick Actions

Once you've selected a program or physical placement, the Placement Editor form will appear. You can fill in the details of the placement.

Placement Editor

If the placement has a daily rate, you use the Add a rate button in the Rate Schedule to add it.  The total rate for the placement can be calculated in a report

Placement Rate Schedule

Other Placement Administration

As with all administration of features, you will still need to navigate to the old interface. With the exception of Tags, all Other Placement administration can be found at Case Manager > Administration > Other Placements

Other Placement Administration Options


Tags specific to placement requests can be administered in the old interface under Case Manager > Administration > Tag

Tag options for Other Placements

Clients in Other Placements Widget

We've added a widget to display the clients in Other Placements. To add it to a dashboard click the gears icon Gears Iconin the upper right of your dashboard. Then select the Placement Requests widget from the listing.

Add clients in Other Placements widget

The Clients in Other Placements widget options will appear. You can change the widget title, rows and other options as shown. 

Clients in Other Placements Widget Options

Select Apply from the widget options screen and Save Changes from your dashboard editor. The configured Recent Placement Requests widget will be shown on your menu.

Clients in Other Placements Widget

Client Delete

Administrators now have the ability to delete clients from the General Profile of any client. Scroll to the bottom of the client on the General Profile and you will see the Delete Client button.

Delete Client Button

Don't worry if you accidentally click the button, we've added in a confirmation screen just in case.

Delete Client Confirmation Modal

Your input is valuable!

Along with the above beta items, with your input, we've made some additional improvements around the speed of the application, general design, and usability. These improvements don't come without your input.

Please take some time and enter a few clients into your Beta site and use the new features. Finding and fixing bugs prior to a live release makes it easier on us all. Your team gets improvements made before going to live - not after it's out there.

If you need assistance on how to access your Beta site, please contact us and we'll work with you to get you logged in and using the Beta site.