YouthCenter October 2023 Release Notes

Our October release focuses on removing minor bugs, back-end technology updates, and a couple of changes that organizations have asked for around filtering with calendars and visibility into youth placements. This release is expected to go live on 10/29/2023 at 9 PM EST (Click here to see the time in your timezone).

Filtering on Calendars

The calendar in YouthCenter functioned similarly to Google Calendar. Users and Youth may have their own calendars. Getting an overall view of all youth calendars required subscribing and unsubscribing to calendars, turning them on and off which could be tedious. Based upon input from administrators and caseworkers, we’ve modified the calendar to allow for filtering, giving you freedom to have a dynamic calendar with information important to you, similar to the widgets on the dashboard. No need to subscribe and unsubscribe when youth leave a facility or end supervision.

Rule-Based Client Filtering

Below the Clients listing, you will now see a Rule-Based Clients section.

YouthCenter Calendar with Filtering

Clicking on that section will open up the filtering options for what clients calendars you see in your calendar view.

Calendar Filtering

Like the dashboard widgets, you can now filter what clients you see on the calendar. For JPO’s they may only want to see their clients. In a detention setting, users may only want to see youth in detention or in a specific unit. Simply update the filtering and save. The calendar will update to match your filtering options.

Physical Placement Panel

Timeline based panels were introduced with Court Cases and Court Case Occurrences. Since their introduction, we’ve rolled out the Program Placement panel with timelines. We’re now rolling out the timeline panel for Physical Placements.

Physical Placement Panel

Client summaries will include the Physical Placement panel as well, providing a more robust summary of the clients supervision, programs, and now placements.

Summary Panel with Physical Placements

Providing Feedback

YouthCenter continues to be a solution built for and directed by your needs as caseworkers, JPOs, administrators, and more. Your feedback is very valuable, if you have any thoughts or ideas on how we can improve the software, please reach out to us via our suggestion form. New ideas are reviewed on a bi-weekly basis.