Our August release introduces the new CaseStream Connect portal beta, enabling contacts to stay more engaged with your program. This release is expected to go live on 08/27/2023 at 11 PM EST (Click here to see the time in your timezone).
Detention Menu Item Renamed to "Facility"
To better represent the diverse set of programs, day treatment, residential, and detention facilities that use YouthCenter, we have renamed the menu item "Detention" to "Facility" in the navigation menu. All applications found under "Detention" will continue to be present, we just renamed it to better represent a wider audience of users.
More Widgets Support Advanced Filtering
Several of the widgets have been enhanced to allow you to filter by multiple programs and physical placements you are interested in. Try it out on the Clients Widget, the Map widget, and the Clients in Other Programs widget. This suggestion came from several different counties, thank you for your feedback! To filter a widget by multiple programs, select the edit icon on the widget you wish to change:
Find the Filter by Program section and select the program(s) you wish to filter by
Improved Service Plan Reporting
If you organization utilizes service plans, you now have the ability to report on the data associated in the Service Plan form, along with the service plan schedul in the same report. Simply choose the Service Plan with Form Response data source when creating your report.
Terms of Service and Privacy Policy updates
The terms of service page has been updated to our latest version. You can view the terms of service updates under the Help menu..
The YouthCenter privacy policy is now also available under the help section.
Providing Feedback
YouthCenter continues to be a solution built for and directed by your needs as caseworkers, JPOs, administrators, and more. Your feedback is very valuable, if you have any thoughts or ideas on how we can improve the software, please reach out to us via our suggestion form. New ideas are reviewed on a bi-weekly basis.