
The Latest YouthCenter Updates

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Our October release focuses on removing minor bugs, back end technology updates, and a couple changes that organizations have asked for around filtering with calendars and visibility into youth placements. This release is expected to go live on 10/29/2023 at 9 PM EST.
Recorded on Thursday, 9/21/2023, this 40 minute webinar delves into the intricacies of extracting restorative justice data from YouthCenter. Learn hands-on techniques and gain actionable insights to elevate your data-driven decision-making in juvenile court administration. If you missed the live webinar, check out the recoding to learn more.
Our September release focuses on fixing bugs and a few changes that many organizations using YouthCenter have asked for around filtering and naming. This release is expected to go live on 09/24/2023 at 11 PM EST.
Whether you're a seasoned administrator or just getting started, this webinar promises actionable insights and hands-on techniques to elevate your data-driven decision-making. Don't miss out on this opportunity to harness the power of data for a more just and restorative future.
Join us on Friday, November 3 for our 3rd Annual YouthCenter User Group Meeting. This will be a 1/2 day of learning about YouthCenter from the YouthCenter team and from users like yourselves.
Recorded on Thursday, 8/24/2023, this 40 minute webinar will show you the potential of artificial intelligence in juvenile court administration. Discover how ChatGPT, OpenAI's advanced language model, is reshaping the way we generate and analyze reports. We'll walk you through a case study where a jurisdiction, using data exported from two separate reports within YouthCenter, was able to create a comprehensive report they needed, thanks to AI.
In this webinar, you'll unlock the potential of artificial intelligence in juvenile court administration.